As the celebrated Women’s History Month of March comes to a close, Snapchef is excited to spotlight our CFO and Co-Founder Daniela Snopkowski.

Daniela arrived in the United States 21 years ago from Brazil, without speaking any English, but she had a dream to build a better life. She started out working two full-time jobs while trying to learn English at the same time. When asked about her journey as a woman navigating a growing business and climbing that ladder in leadership, Daniela Snopkowski said, “I believe that being a woman in today’s industry, or even 20 years ago, has had its ups and downs. However, I also believe that you are as strong as you make yourself to be. Nothing has come easy for me, I had to work hard for what I have today. “

 “When I started this business with Todd, I had no idea what it was like was to be a business owner, let alone a woman business owner, but I did not let the fear of the unknown stop me. Everyday has been a learning experience with many challenges but also many rewards that keep me motivated to move forward. Throughout my business career, I have not labeled or limited myself as a woman in the business industry. I have continuously tried to work towards accomplishing my goals and becoming a successful business owner,” said Daniela Snopkowski.

Daniela has focused her knowledge and experience on successfully running the financial aspects of the business. She also has led the development of company systems and policies that have positioned Snapchef as a hospitality staffing industry leader. Daniela and her technology development team have created the SnapWare system that Snapchef operates with today. This system optimizes Snapchef management performance for daily operations. This proprietary platform also enables clients and managers to place and view job order schedules in real-time. Snapchef employees can use the mobile app to view their shifts, clock in and out, request time off, select shifts.

Snapchef has been proud to celebrate and build a culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion since its launch 20 years ago. The growth of women leaders in the Snapchef family has materialized organically over that time. Snapchef has hired hard working, strong women employees that have helped take the company to the next level. As a result, the number of women at Snapchef in leadership roles has grown dramatically in recent years.

Daniela and Todd are very proud of the women they have in their company. Diversity has always been a positive attribute to their company. Daniela, a very hands-on manager, says “Diversity brings different perspectives to the table when trying to accomplish the tasks at hand. It can be a key component into making a company strong, and we encourage our team to collaborate and inspire one another so they can gain more experience and become better professionals.”

For Daniela, Women’s History Month is an opportunity to thank her mother and others that have supported and inspired her in her journey.

According to Daniela Snopkowski, “My mother is the woman that has inspired me, together with my dad. Both continue to inspire me on the daily basis, but she has influenced me with her resilience and hard work. She taught me to go after what I want, and the most important lesson: to never give up; there is always a way.

Secondly, she gives gratitude to Todd Snopkowski and her son, Christopher for being a part of her unbelievable and rewarding journey.

“There is an amazing number of women out there that believed in themselves and are achieving every goal they set,” says Daniela, “and those women inspire me every day to keep going.” Daniela hopes to be an inspiration to other women trying to climb that ladder. “YES! You can do it! You just need to believe in yourself. I am not saying it will be easy, my road was not easy, but it is possible,” said Daniela Snopkowski.