What We Do

Meals Served Through Our Food Relief

What We Do

Meals Served Through Our Food Relief

Training & Education

We understand the importance of workforce development in creating a sustainable and thriving community.  We offer comprehensive culinary training programs designed to equip our students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the food service industry. Through our program, students participate in hands-on food preparation, where they can learn, grow, and unleash their creative potential.

Our goal is to remove barriers and provide support every step of the way. We understand that true success in one’s career goes far beyond technical skills, it also requires a supportive community and access to valuable resources. That’s why we prioritize providing comprehensive support beyond training, offering mentorship, career guidance, and assistance with various needs such as housing, transportation, mental health support, childcare, and more.

Hunger Relief

We recognize the urgent need to address hunger in our communities. With each meal we prepare in our FastTrack Training, we extend our reach to those facing food insecurity by donating and distributing these meals through our community partnerships. By combining our culinary training with our dedication to serving others, we ensure that nourishment and sustenance reach those who need it most.

Build Community

Beyond culinary skills, we instill in our participants a strong sense of community and social responsibility. Communities truly are our foundation, and we are committed to partnering with our neighbors to support, celebrate and be a voice for opportunity and growth.

Cook, Connect, and Create Change with Us

At The Snapchef Foundation, every step we take is a stride towards strengthening our communities and creating a brighter future for all. We invite you to join us in our journey to cook, connect, and create change.